Our Goal
The Little Prince on his way to Tanzania ... Oh his way he conqueres the cities and villages, schools and libraries, is read, loved, leads to reflection, debate, smile, and thus to a development and enrichment of people in this East African country.
As one of us can't imagine: In Tanzania, there are almost no books in Swahili! Only newspapers, a few children's books, love stories, thrillers and a variety of educational brochures of international development cooperation are available. The enrollment rates are high, more than 70% of the population can read and write. But they do not do it because there is no offer. Because books are expensive and not available! Or in English, which is read and spoken by a few well educated only!
And that's why we want the little prince and his ideas, his poetry and values spread in Tanzania! To make people want to read too! To help children expand their view of the world and the "big people"!

The Project

At a quantity of 10,000 books, printing and distribution to schools and libraries in the country cost about 5,000 Shillings per book (about 3 Euros). In a first step we want to print these 10,000 books and distribute them to the 4,000 Secondary schools in the country. If that succeeds, we can print more books and send them to the Primary schools!
Here you learn, how you can join in and help!
This is a private action, so we have no administrative costs. All revenue and amounts donated will be used exclusively for the printing and distribution of other books of the little prince! The Tanzanian publishing house Mkuki na Nyota (spear and star) specializes in textbooks and takes over the printing and distribution in the country.
If you have any additional questions or like to know more, you can call us or send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..